GF Loaded Bagel Anti-inflammatory Breakfast

Hey guys! I have been trying out some different breakfast options lately in efforts to add in more beneficial and healthy foods into my body. I put together a loaded GF bagel option that tastes super yummy and has ingredients that are full of anti-inflammatory properties. This GF loaded bagel anti-inflammatory breakfast has organic toppings and good sources of protein and antioxidants.

Part of the reason why I am trying to up my breakfast game is because I need more hearty foods to sustain me. I naturally have a fast metabolism and now that I am a mom, I am burning a lot more energy from chasing around my 1 year old who is constantly moving. Plus add in cooking and cleaning for an extra person, I am always moving too!

I am constantly strengthening my muscles with my workouts and daily activities. I exercise, hike or swim almost every day on top of picking up and holding a 23 pound baby!

Did you know that your body creates inflammation in efforts to repair regular muscle damage from exercising? This process helps our muscles grow back stronger. “Inflammation comes into play during the repair process when the body increases blood flow to the affected area to replenish oxygen, fuel muscles, and clear out waste,” according to this article from the Inside Tracker. Instead of reaching for a pain reliever to deal with inflammation always like to try natural options first.

Inflammation can be caused not only by damaged muscles and tissues but by toxins, like consuming food sprayed with pesticides or environmental toxins, infection, injury and disease.  One way to help your body deal with inflammation is eating anti-inflammatory foods including more plants, foods high in antioxidants like leafy greens and berries, incorporating more omega 3’s and limiting processed foods.

This easy to make anti-inflammatory breakfast is a great option to add into your diet if you are looking to incorporate more anti-inflammatory foods and it will keep you full longer! It is loaded with antioxidants to aid your body in repairing cells. I love Canyon Bakehouse gluten free bagels, ok I am kind of obsessed with them. If you are looking for a GF option definitely give these a try. Top a GF bagel with organic cashew butter, organic strawberries, organic cinnamon and organic chia seeds.Check out the anti-inflammatory benefits:

Check out these recipes for other ways to incorporate healthy food into your diet:

How to Make an Organic Matcha Latte


Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth with These 3 Healthy Snacks
