How I Cured SIBO

Dealing with an illness and not knowing the root cause of your symptoms can be extremely upsetting and frustrating especially when you live a healthy and active lifestyle. I eat organic and exercise 3-5 times a week so when I started to experience GI issues I thought my symptoms would just go away on their own with a track trigger food elimination diet. However, my symptoms only worsened with time and I realized that I was experiencing far more than a food intolerance or allergy. Disturbances in our GI function have so many causes it can be quite difficult to get a diagnosis. After seeing both my PCP then being referred to a specialist, I finally got a diagnosis of SIBO: small intestine bacteria overgrowth. SIBO is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. This bacteria overgrowth can be quite tricky to cure and often times people have to go through multiple courses of treatment over a few month period to get their GI system back on track. Others can’t cure SIBO at all and end up with bouts of bacteria overgrowth for years. After being part of SIBO discussion groups and realizing an abundance of people across the US were looking for treatments just as I was, I decided, I want to share how I cured SIBO on my own naturally.

My GI issues started with horrible bloating. I would eat the smallest amount of food and within minutes I would feel like I had stuffed my face with a ginormous meal. At first I thought I just had a food intolerance so I took gluten and dairy out of my diet. I tried this food elimination for one month however, my bloating only worsened. My stomach distended to the point where I looked four months pregnant. I would start the day with a flat belly and as soon as I put food in my body I blew up like a balloon. I started getting depressed because I keep a regular work out regimen and work hard to stay fit but this stomach distention issue was completely out of my control. I looked like I had gained 20 pounds! Not only did I have to buy bigger pants and baggy shirts to try and hide my stomach, I found myself unbuttoning my pants because the pressure of my stomach made me feel like I was literally going to burst. I saw my primary care doctor who tried treating me but was unsuccessful. He had me do a track trigger food elimination diet for a month which consisted of eliminating: gluten, dairy, processed food, tomatoes, pepper, spicy food, carbonated beverages, coffee and tea, alcohol and chocolate: basically everything fun! This increased elimination diet unfortunately did nothing for me.

I was in the middle of trying to get pregnant so my PCP couldn’t advise any other treatments at the time. I do feel that he should have sent me to a specialist but I ended up getting pregnant so I just figured there was nothing I could do anyway. I unfortunately lost the pregnancy after a month, which was very emotionally difficult for me, but my GI symptoms started going down as I began treating myself by drinking hot water, fresh ginger, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice every morning before I ate breakfast. Within three weeks of this regimen my stomach was almost back to normal and the ACV mix pushed all the backup out of my system. As I started feeling better I tried getting pregnant again and unfortunately had a chemical pregnancy which, means you lose the baby within a few days of conception and it is not a full miscarriage. This devastated my body and at that point I was completely emotionally drained after losing two pregnancies while dealing with GI problems. I am no spring chicken, so I was really adamant and excited about trying to conceive, however I realized I really had to listen to my body and heal before trying to grow a human inside of me.

My stomach issues started worsening again, and I went from C to D.  I went back to see my PC Dr and this time I immediately asked for a referral to a specialist. At that point I had already been dealing with stomach problems for 8 months and I was so over it! Going to see a specialist was the best thing I could have done because the Dr immediately sent me in for a Lactulose Breath Test. Lactulose is a manmade sugar that bacteria feed on but humans can’t digest. When bacteria feed on sugar they product gas. If there is an overgrowth of bacteria the amount of gas produced will be very high. Both methane and hydrogen gas are measured by drinking the lactulose solution and then breathing into a balloon over a 3 hour period. My gas level was so high that after the second test they already told me I had SIBO. Finally, I had a diagnosis!

SIBO occurs when bacteria in the small intestine get out of balance and overgrow which can cause bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, GERD, eczema and more. Considering I suffered from all those symptoms it clearly makes sense that I had SIBO. Typically doctors treat SIBO with antibiotics and often times patients need more than one dose. My Dr prescribed me Xifaxan 550 mg – 1 tablet a day, three times a day for en entire month. You know your infection is bad when it takes one month of antibiotics to treat it. I believe in natural treatments when possible so I was a bit skeptical about taking antibiotics because not only do they kill the bad bacteria they also kill the good bacteria which you need. More often than not taking antibiotics can cause increased GI disturbances, but since I was feeling so horrible for 8 months, I decided to give the antibiotics a try.

After not even finishing the fourth day of Xifaxan I had a terrible reaction. I felt so depleted of energy that I could barley make it from my couch to the fridge to try and eat. I fell to the ground and started sobbing uncontrollably and breathing so rapidly that I wasn’t getting enough oxygen to my brain so my lips starting curling in and my face was getting numb. I had to call 911. The paramedics told me I had a panic attack. I have never experienced a panic attack before so I didn’t know what it felt like. The paramedics told me it was a reaction to the medication and I should stop taking it immediately and consult my Dr.

After reacting poorly to the antibiotics, I decided to take matters into my own hands and find a different treatment plan. I spent hours on end researching natural remedies to cure SIBO. I joined the Facebook group called “SIBO Discussion/ Support Group” and learned that there were hundreds of people that were trying to find the best treatment plan for SIBO. I sat and cried as I wrote my post asking for suggestions, feeling defeated, emotionally and physically drained and desperate. I received an overwhelming amount of responses all with different questions and suggestions. I read through other peoples posts and found that there was such a broad mix of treatment plans and different things worked for different people. I combined my online research and some suggestions from others and made my own treatment plan basically by trial and error. While some supplements didn’t work for me others did. Ultimately I figured out how to cure SIBO naturally!

Diet – I Followed SCD + Low FODMAP Diet for 5 Weeks 

Diet is extremely important when treating SIBO. If you research you will see that bacteria feed on sugar so in order to successfully eliminate SIBO a smart approach is to limit the bacteria’s food supply thus starving the bacteria out and killing them! Sorry bacterias but you got to go!

Removing carbohydrates and sugar from my diet was no easy task however, I found it imperative that I follow the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and the low FODMAP diet as I began to see results within a few weeks. I went to this website to learn all about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. I also purchased the book Breaking The Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall B.A., M.Sc. The book has a complete listing of foods to eat and foods to avoid, as well as recipes and in depth information on why the diet works. Below is an important starter list I followed.

I Eliminated:

  • Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Beans
  • Grains
  • Dairy: milk, yogurt, whey, ice cream, cheese
  • Canned or processed meats
  • Canned vegetables
  • Sugars – high fructose corn syrup, lactose, sucrose, fructose, processed sugar, high FODMAP foods (to learn more about FODAMPS click here.)
  • Alcohol
  • Candy, chocolate

I found eating 100% organic was super important because the last thing I wanted to do was add chemicals to my body when I was trying to cleanse. Also, non organic foods are often loaded with more additives. The goal for me was to eat clean and follow the SCD and the Low FODMAP Diet. I did not use any garlic or pepper when cooking and I followed this diet strictly for 5 weeks and then slowly started adding in foods to ensure I was 100% better. I coupled my diet plan with antimicrobials to kill the bacteria overgrowth, a biofilm defense to break down bacteria’s protective layer so they can be penetrated more efficiently by antimicrobials, L Glutamine to repair my gut and a probiotic to improve heathy gut bacteria growth. Taking the supplements along with the SCD and Low FODMAP diet was incremental for me in curing SIBO.

Here are some examples of meals I ate:


2 -3 organic eggs cooked with organic ghee or olive oil, side of spinach cooked in olive oil, side of 3-4 strawberries and small handful of  blueberries. Some people completely remove fruit but I allowed for small amounts of blueberries, strawberries and bananas as these fruits are not high FODMAPs.

Morning Snack

Muffin made with organic almond flour, bananas and honey. The complete recipe for the banana muffins is in the book Breaking the Viscuous Cycle on page 127 under “banana cake.” I made them as muffins and cooked them for about 30 minutes. I found the muffins to be important so that I could feel full. Completely removing all carbs leaves you never really feeling satisfied which is an unpleasant feeling, but nonetheless it is was important for me to adhere to the SCD and Low FODMAP diet to get better!


Option 1: Sustainable Seas solid white tuna with olive oil and salt. Sometimes I would add in diced up organic kosher pickles because I needed more substance. I read the ingredients and found pickles without any sugar. Once I started reading ingredients on packages, I noticed that sugar is in almost everything! I found pickles at Whole Foods. No crackers and no bread.

Option 2: Chicken breast baked in the oven in tin foil prepared with organic olive oil, salt, parsley, and oregano – all organic. Cooked with a side of summer squash and zucchini peppered in ghee with salt.

I also liked to buy organic whole chicken and roast it in the oven with ghee, olive oil, salt and parsley. I found that eating the same thing everyday gets quite boring so choosing different ways to prepare meat was helpful for to feel like I was getting a bigger variety.

Afternoon Snack

Handful of almonds, handful of sunflower seeds and raisins with no sugar.


Organic ground turkey cooked in ghee with salt and parsley. Zucchini, summer squash and spinach cooked in olive oil, salt and parsley then mixed in with turkey.

Important Tips I followed 

I chewed 30 times before swallowing, I ate slow and I did not drink water while I was  eating meals with meat. I drank water after my meal. I made sure to eat 2-3 hour before bed so that I was digested before I laid down. All these tips helped with aiding my digestion. I avoided ground beef completely for 30 days as it is harder to digest. I stuck to eggs, chicken, turkey and some nuts.

SIBO Regimen By Day that I Followed For 1 Month 


Upon waking in the am: 1 Biofilm Defense with a few sips of water. I did not eat or drink anything for 1 hour. I found information on biofilms here.

1 Hour After taking Biofilm Defense, I took 4 drops of organic oil of oregano sublingually with a little coconut oil or other carrier oil to help with absorption, 1 organic grapefruit seed extract pill and 1 L Glutamine 1,000 mg pill.

30 Minutes later I drank 8-12 oz organic fresh juiced celery. I combined mine with ginger. This helps rebuild HCL (stomach acid.)  This is the website I found celery juice information on.

Then I ate my meal.


1 Hour Before Lunch: 3 drops of organic oil oregano (I followed the same steps as the morning- sublingually with coconut oil), 1 grapefruit seed extract

30 Mins Before Lunch: 1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar with half cup hot water, half teaspoon organic juiced ginger and half teaspoon organic lemon juice to help me with digestion.

Then I ate my meal.


1 Hour Before Dinner: 1 L Glutamine 1,000 mg pill.

Probiotic with dinner.

Products I used:

Kirkman – Biofilm Defense 

Pure Encapsulations – Grapefruit Seed Extract 

Pure Encapsulations – L Glutamine 1,000 mg 


OIl of oregano

Natural Factors – Oil of Oregano 

Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with “The Mother” 

Renew Life – Ultimate Flora Probiotic 50 Billion


I started to feel worse in the middle of treatment. This is known as a “die off period” where bacteria are releasing toxins as they die. I went in a sauna and took epsom salt baths a few times a week to help rid my body of the toxins which are released by sweating. I found both the baths and sauna to be super helpful.

I found that oregano oil has some negative side effects. I did read about this before taking it, but for me it was worth pushing through it to get better. I felt the oregano oil to be an important part of my recovery. The negative side effects included feeling very weak and depleted of energy. I read it should not be taken for an extended period of time. I recommend if you look into taking it you do your research as well.

I did ease into the program instead of adding everything at once and then once I had my regimen down I followed it for a month. 

I make sure to check in with both my GI doctor and a holistic doctor during my treatment. My Gastro Dr. did not acknowledge that diet or supplements could help rid SIBO. For me I knew I did not want to take the antibiotics so I had to find another way.

March 2019 Update:

One year after writing this post, I realized a bit of information that could have helped me in my recovery and that is: mental strength is extremely important to physical healing. You have to believe you can get better and think positive despite how incredibly difficult it is. I just finished reading the book You are a Badass by Jen Sincero and it was a total life changer for me. I learned that if I keep telling myself that “I can’t” then that is what I believe and that is what will happen. Are you telling yourself “You can’t get better,” because you feel so exhausted and sick? Listen to what you are saying and what you believe. If you think you could use a look at how to change your inner thoughts to create a better outcome then definitely try this book. It is less than $10 on Amazon and worth every penny!

How I Cured SIBO / Jill E. Gallien / March 24, 2018


This site is designed for educational purposes only and should not be used in any other manner. This information is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified health care provider.



  1. Irene Scheirich
    March 25, 2018 / 12:57 pm

    Hi Jill,
    Thank you so much for providing HOPE! My 30 year old daughter is struggling with these symptoms ( the usual bloating, pain, inflamed-feeling bowels, no eczema but acne and anxiety) and I believe she has SIBO. I have spoken to my naturopath and she is getting the breath test for her, so we should soon know for sure. She has been on the elimination part of the low FODMAP diet for 8 weeks with little improvement (her dominant thing is constipation). Since we are now investigating SIBO, it doesn’t make sense to me that she should start reintroduction of foods when she seems to react to everything! Would you suggest that she carry on with the elimination until we get the breath test results, then if positive move to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet? We will be showing this blog to the ND so she can help guide her through. The very idea that you can CURE this thing is so refreshing. It seems most of what I read on the SIBO Support Group is very disheartening.
    Thanks, Irene

    • Jill
      March 25, 2018 / 4:47 pm

      Hi Irene, I would immediately have her go in for the breath test. If she tests positive for SIBO I would definitely recommend starting the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It was so weird because I felt like I was reacting to so many foods and I couldn’t figure it out. Once I got the diagnosis for SIBO I started the diet. It made sense. The bacteria feed on sugar then produce gas and that causes all the horrible symptoms. If you starve the bacteria by not feeding them sugar and kill them off with the antimicrobials it is a really good way to eliminate them. It worked for me! I was feeling very hopeless. Diet was a huge part of my recovery and honestly once I started on the SCD I felt less bloating and symptomatic. I did still feel very depleted of energy for that whole month but it was worth it. Keep in mind the die off period where you think you are feeling worse after feeling a bit better, it is because the bacteria are releasing toxins. The epsom bath helped me feel better during this period.

  2. Audrey
    March 25, 2018 / 7:52 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. I was diagnosed almost two years ago, did a round of Xifaxan, but just experienced a awful flare up with terrible acid reflux. My GI doctor this time around suggested the Low Fodmap diet, but I didn’t realize following that with the SCD diet is important. Do you think taking those supplements will work if I also deal with acid reflux? I started going to a integrative doctor and she has me taking the glutamine. What kind of probiotic are you taking if any? I have read different opinions about taking a probiotic with Sibo. Are the recipes in your blog SCD and Low Fodmap friendly, My heart goes out to you, that you have had to deal with so much. Thank you again!!!

    • Jill
      April 21, 2018 / 3:14 pm

      Hi Audrey!Thank you for reaching out. I had and still have some acid reflux. The important things to help with acid reflux are: eating 2-3 hours before bed because if you lay down too soon the food will come back up. Also if you are bad with the acid I would remove the track triggers for awhile until you get to feeling better: coffee, tea, alcohol, spicy and fried food, tomatoes, etc. I love tomatoes and I have to keep them very very limited in my diet still. I am Italian and I love pasta so it is unfortunate I can’t indulge in sauces like I used to but it is worth it to keep it limited so I feel better. Try the apple cider vinegar mix (first thing in the am) this should help as well. Do this every day. I use Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotic 50 billion and I get it at Whole Foods. I still take this every day. Keep in the fridge. I hope you feel better 🙂

  3. Irene Scheirich
    March 26, 2018 / 6:48 am

    Thanks for the quick response! The test is ordered and winging its way here from British Columbia so she will do it as soon as possible. If it comes back positive she will switch from low FODMAP to the SCD immediately. Thanks for your support!

    • Jill
      April 21, 2018 / 3:17 pm

      How are things going Irene?

  4. Brittany
    March 27, 2018 / 8:54 am

    I noticed you mentioned you took a probiotic at dinner and didn’t post which one you were taking. So many on he market andI am unsure as to which one to get. Can you please share? Thanks!

    • Jill
      April 21, 2018 / 3:09 pm

      Yes I am sorry about that! I used the brand: Renew Life and the Ultimate Flora Probiotic 50 billion. I will add the photo to my article.

  5. Jenn
    March 30, 2018 / 8:36 am

    Hi Jillian,
    First off, congratulations for being cured of SIBO… it takes a lot of dedication, I know from experience! I was diagnosed with SIBO in Nov 2016 3 months before my wedding. I started on the SCD diet following the breaking the vicious cycle book. My nutritionist really wanted me to couple it with the antibiotics but I was so scared of it and refused… and never fully finished the scd diet. I love your thoughts of SCD and FODMAPs together and it makes tons of sense to introduce supplements to heal and replenish. How did you specifically learn about the supplements piece? This is one area I can’t get my head around. Your blog has inspired me to take another stab at ridding my SIBO for good, naturally. Thanks! Jenn

    • Jill
      April 21, 2018 / 3:07 pm

      Hi Jenn! Thanks for writing to me. For the supplements it took a lot of research to figure out what supplements to use. There are other ones I tried and did not have a good reaction to so I did not include them. I did link some of the websites where I found articles that help me decide what supplements to use. Ultimately the antimicrobials are very important to naturally kill the bacteria. Oil of oregano is very strong and I wanted to use two antimicrobials (as some people even use more than that) so I coupled it with the grapefruit extract which is more mild. It was not easy to follow the diet and the oil of oregano did make me feel very weak after using it for several weeks, but to me it was worth sucking up the diet and the supplements to feel better. I did not cheat once I was very strict with my diet. Prepping the muffins and having those always around helped fill me up when I was starving. SIBO is so horrible and I am so happy that I recovered! Best of luck to you and I am wishing you a speedy recovery!

  6. Kim
    April 25, 2018 / 9:06 am

    Due to other meds I’m on I can’t take grapefruit seed ext. or L- glutamine. Is there anything in your research that would be comparable to those?
    Thank you

    • Jill
      May 14, 2018 / 9:23 pm

      Try the oil of oregano it is the strongest. I have also read about berberine. You could look more into that!

  7. Tracey
    June 1, 2018 / 9:27 am

    Hi Jill, thank you for this information. I have my test on Monday 4th May and I’ve been doing lots of research. Such a crippling illness and I’m so pleased you’ve managed to beat it. Well done. Your write-up has given me hope and encouragement ( even though I’m awaiting tests I firmly believe this is what I have ) and I can’t thank you enough. Take care. X

    • Jill
      June 21, 2018 / 9:11 pm

      I hope you are doing better 🙂 I am glad my blog has given you some hope! I had trouble finding it when I was sick but I stuck to my plan and ended up getting better. Hang in there and heal up fast!

  8. Terry
    September 20, 2018 / 5:49 am

    I am crying as I read this. GOD BLESS YOU! Your story is verbatim my story, symptoms, antibiotic reactions, depression/panic attacks….the whole nine yards. I felt so alone, isolated, frustrated for the past 18 months trying to get rid of this insidious “dis-ease”, that I almost gave up trying! I actually have “Breaking the Vicious Cycle” and “Recipes for the SCD” books, but I now know that I didn’t stick to the plans long enough to get through to the “healthy side”…it is HARD to change old eating habits! But the effects of SIBO are much worse than the discomfort of change! I was frustrated, too, that my GI doc just handed me the Low Fodmap eating chart and basically told me that this “happens with age”…NO IT DOESN’T….as clearly seen through your experience! I think this has much to do with our Standard American Diet which is unhealthy for most of us! I am going to start again TODAY, and follow your recommendations, and read my books ALL THE WAY THROUGH (!) and focus on wellness again! I am so glad I found this blog…what a Godsend! I have to get out of this dark place of frustration and anger over the situation….I have a closet full of clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in two years! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired! THANK YOU so much for sharing your story, Jill….Now, I need to wipe my tears, and go make those banana muffins!

    • Jill
      September 30, 2018 / 1:06 pm

      Hi Terry. A little teary eyed as I read your note. I agree with you. There is so much shit in food today. Wheat has been so modified over the years even non gmo wheat is still gmo. There are chemicals sprayed all over our food. No wonder food allergies and digestive problems are so common these days. Taking harsh antibiotics does a number on the body. I honestly had no idea there were natural antimicrobials until I got SIBO and I researched it and tested it out.

      SIBO is so frustrating. I feel you. I bought baggy shirts to cover my bloat and felt helpless. It is very difficult to remain strong while going through this infection but please keep up positivity as much as you can. I suggest starting slow on the natural protocol as there is a thing called die off which I learned about. If the bacteria dies too quick your body works on overload to release all the toxins so I suggest starting with oil of oregano. It is the strongest. Then add in others slowly ..see how your body reacts. I think everyone is different but I did feel the no sugar diet helped immensely for me in combination with the natural protocol. I didn’t cheat once – I stuck to my plan and prepped food. I felt weak but I kept with it because I didn’t want to suffer from SIBO any longer so I figure 4-6 weeks of treatment was worth a lifetime of feeling better.

      Keep in touch let me know how you progress. I am sending you good vibes and I really really hope you heal up quick!